How to create elegant waveform/spectrogram images in R

In this post I show how to generate waveform/spectrogram graphics in R.


Rutgers University


April 18, 2024

The problem

Generating elegant dataviz for spectrogram/waveforms can be cumbersome. Praat has excellent plotting capabilities, but can be rather difficult to teach, especially if you want to plot the waveform/spectrogram/textgrid combination. I posted on the topic a long time ago for a solution in R, and this post is an update of sorts, particularly for those not interested in working in Praat directly.

The solution

Rasmus Puggaard-Rode’s fantastic package praatpicture makes the process trivial. Assume we have a wav file called welcome.wav and the corresponding textgrid welcome.TextGrid. We can plot the wavform/spectrogram/textgrid combination with a simple call to praatpicture():

praatpicture(sound = "welcome.wav")
Figure 1

I won’t go through all of the capabilities of the package (the documentation is great), but here are a few of my common use cases.

  sound = "welcome.wav", 
  spec_freqRange = c(0, 4900),
  frames = c('sound', 'spectrogram', 'TextGrid'), 
  formant_plotOnSpec = TRUE, 
  formant_color = '#cc0033'
Figure 2
  sound = "welcome.wav", 
  spec_freqRange = c(0, 4900),
  frames = c('spectrogram'), 
  spec_color = c(
    'darkblue', 'blue', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'orange', 'brown', '#cc0033')
Figure 3
  sound = "welcome.wav", 
  spec_freqRange = c(0, 4900),
  frames = 'spectrogram', 
  spec_color = c("white", scales::pal_brewer(palette = "Reds")(9))
Figure 4
  sound = "welcome.wav", 
  spec_freqRange = c(0, 4900),
  frames = 'spectrogram', 
  spec_color = c(viridis::viridis_pal(option = "B")(8), "#cc0033")
Figure 5

Reproducibility information

This document was written in quarto.

Session info

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